jueves, 13 de junio de 2013

The Worker

Since i was a child i always liked draw make things with my hands. Then when i grew up i started to think in the idea of studying design or architecture even not knowing what was that for real. But in secondary i realized that maths was an interesting thing to me and it was kind of easy, so i started to think that maybe my way was for the engineering, also was because my mother passed all time saying that she wanted me to be an engineer. Finally i finished the school with no idea of what i wanted to do, so the day of the postulation my first choice was engineering and architecture in second place. At the end and for my luck here am studying what i like. I wasn´t sure at first time but later i realized that i love the things we do in architecture, design spaces and buildings, resolve problems with the appropriate solutions, and all this for people. So i sort of fell in love with this, and i know i can help and be a contribution to society. Another reason to love this career is that now i know the things i learn in the career can be applied to smaller scales, in his way i can desing and make architecture for dogs, cats and others small animals, so i can satisfy my two passions.
I haven't decided on which way of architecture i want to specialize when i finish, but i know that i want desing, create and build, maybe on way of sustentability, creating ways to save energy and contribute to environment or maybe on social housing solving people's problems.