jueves, 25 de julio de 2013

3D Art on Streets

Hello classmates,  
In this post we have to share a piece of art. Well, something i like about art is that it has no limits. Isn't a thing that you have to go to a special place to see, it could be anywhere. That's why i´m gonna talk about the street art specially about the 3D paintings. I think the kind of artists who paint like this should be a magnificent imagination. These guys play with the perspective, taking you to the point of trick your mind.

Julian Beever is a british artist who plays with chalk on the streets. The images he paint on floor or walls has a deformation called ''anamorphosis'' that can create an optical ilusion, is used on art to force to the observer to look from a determined point of view. He can transform a simple drawing on floor to a 3D image that sometimes looks so real that seems you could touch it.

All those paintings are temporary, obviously because chalk is not resistant to water or friction, but that is not a problem to Beever, he is always thinking in something new to paint.

Hope you enjoy it!

sábado, 6 de julio de 2013

Yum Yum!

  I´m not a food fan and normally i don't go out to eat so i dont know too many places to eat good food and the ones i know cause of my parents are not the big thing but there a place where food is less important but is tasty anywhere. It's a beer bar called Rústico located in Reniaco # 3001, Maipú (near of  Pajaritos with Central). This place has a lot of varieties and best beers, but to talk about food it is excelent too. This restobar is special to ones like ''country food'', they make big dishes and the price is not too expensive considering the size.

  Their specialty is the ''chorrillanas'' (i never try in this place, but i must say the presentation is very good), you have 3 options to choose the traditional, special with tocino and the sea one with prawn. Another food are ''empanadas'' these ones are made on their own kitchen and at the moment and they have six varieties (with and without meet). And what i like most are the pizzas on stone, there are 16 types with a lot of delicious ingredients. Finally if you want something to snack and share you have tables snack and fried potatoes very delicious to satisfied your stomach.

miércoles, 3 de julio de 2013

Learn is Fun

   When i read the BBC's Learning English website, came to my mind a website to read news and when i went to it looked like a online serious news paper, but when i started to surf around i found some funny things i like. It has an easy way to navigate i like a lot how easy and to fast it is to find things of your interest and learn with those.
   So i was navigating on the website when i found the grammar games, i played to the end of the class and i though it was an atractive way to learn so then when i got home i visited the website again looking for more games and i played a little more but after a while it comes a repetitive thing.
   Another thing i like was ''today's phrase'' because is an easy way to understand the english idioms that some times are the same we use and another times have a different way to say the same. In this section shows what is exactly, what the phrase means and how do it use and the best of this is that at the bottom of the page is added an ''interesting fact'' for each phrase. (i'm like a fan of interesting facts).
I think this website is an easy and useful tool, mostly to the begginers.

Chile helps to learn english too.

jueves, 13 de junio de 2013

The Worker

Since i was a child i always liked draw make things with my hands. Then when i grew up i started to think in the idea of studying design or architecture even not knowing what was that for real. But in secondary i realized that maths was an interesting thing to me and it was kind of easy, so i started to think that maybe my way was for the engineering, also was because my mother passed all time saying that she wanted me to be an engineer. Finally i finished the school with no idea of what i wanted to do, so the day of the postulation my first choice was engineering and architecture in second place. At the end and for my luck here am studying what i like. I wasn´t sure at first time but later i realized that i love the things we do in architecture, design spaces and buildings, resolve problems with the appropriate solutions, and all this for people. So i sort of fell in love with this, and i know i can help and be a contribution to society. Another reason to love this career is that now i know the things i learn in the career can be applied to smaller scales, in his way i can desing and make architecture for dogs, cats and others small animals, so i can satisfy my two passions.
I haven't decided on which way of architecture i want to specialize when i finish, but i know that i want desing, create and build, maybe on way of sustentability, creating ways to save energy and contribute to environment or maybe on social housing solving people's problems.

miércoles, 22 de mayo de 2013

KEW. Royal Botanic Gardens

Hi bloggers

In the post of the week i decide to write about the KEW gardens. Looking on the internet about London attractions i saw a few pictures of those gardens and it called my atention. All that green is so beautiful that makes me want to go there and take my mom with me because she loves flowers, vegetation and gardens.

Bluebells near Queen Charlotte Cottage.

Those gardens are located in Central London, to get there you have to exit the Kew Gardens Station and walk to the Victoria Gate (located 400 metres from station) if you go by London Underground, but you can also get this place by train and bus. The price of the tickets to get in is £16.00 for adults and free for kids 16 and under. The place have 121 hectares of garden to walk and enjoy the nature and also can visit some iconic buildings in there like Palm house, Queen charlotte cottages and Xstrata Treetop Walkway where you can walk by between trees and if you get tired you can rest on grass and make some picnic, a special activity to family.

 Autumn from Xstrata Treetop Walkway.

  Another personal reason to visit the gardens are the Glasshouses and Galleries which are an important thing to arquitecture, these constructions mark an age in structural and material progress. I've only seen on photos and i wish to know in person.

The Temperate House is the largest surviving Victorian glasshouse in the world,
covering 4,880 square metres and extending to 19 metres high.
Palm House designed by Decimus Burton and expertly engineered by Richard Turner .

domingo, 12 de mayo de 2013

Maquinaria Rock Festival 2010

Hi classmates,
  Today i'm going to talk you about my experience in a concert. It was my first time in a massive concert of music. In 2010 on my birthday's day my brother called me and told me if i wanted to go to the Maquinaria Festival, i didn't know what was that but my brother was so exited that i said yes and he bought me a ticket. I started looking some bands which were to play in the concert, to learn some song and preparing myself. The day of concert came in 9 october, there was a lot of people in the Club Hípico of Santiago. For my luck we had ''rock area'' tickets near the stage. 19 bands performed that day which ones went to present in 3 differents stages, i remember some names like Como Asesinar a Felipes, Movimiento Original, Calavera Conspiracy, a DJ and as headliners were Queen of Stone Age, Pixies, Linking Park and closing the night Incubus. It was a great show and the one i enjoyed most was LinkingPark, even thinking that i like a lot Incubus but they was a smug band, although i'm still listening their music, and the Pixies's show was excelent and very solid with very good sound.

Here i post some videos of the performance of that day.

miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2013

Beachy post

Hi bloggers!
  The beach i'm going to talk about in this post calls La ballena and isn't a big place, actually is a small town located in Los molles in the 5th region of Chile. What i like about this beach are the rocks, the most part of the shore of beach is full of rocks, someones smaller and another taller and the thing i love to do is climb between rocks and stay on top watching the ocean and the waves crashing on the rocks and splashing the water, is a good feeling. Also this beach have a lot of sea animal like starfishes and whelks and another kind of shells, which are sticked in the rocks being seen by people passing and giving more colors to the view.
    When i was younger like ten years ago i went to this beach for few years on holidays because we have family near of there in Cabildo, but later we stopped going there on vacations but i went one more time with my aunt. Later i couldn't visit the place for a while until the last year when i had to go with my class. When we arrived to the beach i remember the past years and went to climb the rocks. The place is now full of summer houses, but when we went on spring there were few persons some men collecting seaweed and some more who live there so we had almost the entire beach to us. The landscape generated with the flowers on spring is awesome and beautiful.
I found a friend on the beach C:
 The landscape generated with the flowers on spring is awesome and beautiful.